Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WHAT DO YOU SEE (with the eyes of His Spirit)?


  1. Several things:
    - A hand reaching up from the bottom, grabbing the brush to pull it down into the fire.

    - A warrior with a sphere in his right (our left) hand, attacking the brush, staring at the fire fighter

  2. I see a large figure holding what looks like a pick-axe or maybe even with a sickle/scythe on the end of it in his right hand and the arm is outstretched. His other arm is outstretched as well with a ball of fire shooting out from it as though it were thrown or projected outward.
    Cannot quite decide if it is a man or a woman, but certainly is squaring off against the firefighter.

    Imposing, consuming, looming thing.

  3. that is what the Lord showed me as well, Sarah - the demon with the fire axe/instrument - wielding fire, wielding destruction
