Monday, March 30, 2015


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart...."

That's what I've had to do during this hour....lean on Him....cry out to Him....listen to to Him.
He has NEVER left me nor forsaken me.

It is really interesting to note that ALL of the troubles in my life began when i started praying at World Harvest Church Elkhart.
Until and unless i get to speak to either Rod Parsley or at the very least Elder Canfield, this "truth" may never be understood.

The Lord has not sent me back there since December - when, after the elders would not come to me in the hospital, He sent me to them - and they ignored me and went out to a special dinner with Pastor Parsley.

SINCE THEN:  i have been invited to several churches - waiting for permission from the Lord as to which one is next!

OTHERWISE:  i think He had me post about the doctor coming to my house and wanting me to have a friend?  Well, GOD did that - i went to a Walmart sort of far from my house and there was an old friend named Ellen.  Ellen has childlike faith, is a powerful intercessor and worshiper.  She is sweet and loving.  It was a divine encounter.  Since that meeting, she calls me, texts me.  I am attending prayer meetings with other church individuals (all from different churches in the cities around here)....we meet every Thursday morning at 9 am.  Immediately at the first meeting the Holy Spirit spoke through me to all and showed me visions to share about the things that were prayed - i believe it was a blessing.  Last week i attended after a drs appointment - didn't even think i'd be able to make it - but Ellen texted me later that when i walked in i "glowed".  People used to tell me this all the time...i am grateful for the evidence of the power of Holy Spirit in me - as the latest song He has had me post proclaims, "LET THEM SEE YOU, in me...."

One day i needed prayer and ellen called - i burst into tears on the phone and said i felt abandoned by God.  (this was several weeks ago).  She prayed with me and we broke off the spirit of abandonment from my life - as i have always been rejected or lied about or abandoned by people - especially leadership, prophets, etc. but the body of Christ as a whole.  it was powerful and EVERYTHING SHIFTED back into gear (as i had felt "stuck" since all the health events (especially the leg drilling) in December.

When we prayed on the phone, Ellen recorded the words that came forth through me - not all of it - but here is some of what He spoke while we prayed:

"I have heard the Lord say to me that I have been chosen.  I have been faithful to take the torch.  There are those coming who are torch bearers who will light the fires.  It was prophesied over me that I am one of those (who is faithful to go to Him and keep His fire lit).

"I have always been honored to fellowship with His sufferings.  I have suffered a lot but it was not because of sin.  When we come to Christ and grow in Christ, we have to die to self.  He has been crucifying me.  I have been beaten.  I have been spit upon.  I have been homeless.  I have been betrayed.

"I felt like when HE was beaten.  They put the crown of thorns upon His head...pierced His skin, even nailed through His hands - I have suffered as He did.

"He says to me, "It was NOT MY WILL - but I protected you through this."

"There are people who understand what Jesus suffered (and those who never will because they will not allow the complete surrender of all that they are and trust Him to always be with them in the midst of it).  He is PERMITTING me to understand it more, to participate in that.  He has always made it my heart to ask, "what can I do for YOU, Lord."

"How many times did He cry when people did not understand?  (People do not understand my calling, my walk, His purposes for me - nor did they understand His - AND - they did NOT want to participate in that).  There are people like myself WILLING to partake in the things HE has gone through - willing to lay down their life to have His. (For, how can it be Christ THROUGH us - how can we MIRROR HIS IMAGE - if we do not include fellowshipping in His suffering?)

(end text)

And that is when we prayed for a long time and forgave those who have abandoned me...canceling all debts owed to me....i was cleansed from the negative effects and it has been promised to trickle down through my blood line - everyone's lives can now begin to change.

As i move forward in HIS UNFAILING LOVE i feel stronger than ever spiritually.  My doctors keep giving me the worst possible news - but i don't care what they have to say.
I am TRUSTING JESUS (as always) and KNOW that HE will accomplish all in me that He has ordained.

AFTER our conversation (the prayer) Ellen told me to talk to the Lord - (oh and He spoke to her and said, "RHONDA IS FAITHFUL" - that touched my heart).

Here is what He showed me:

1.  The trial of my faith is more precious than gold - it does not perish even if the trial is by fire - so that my faith is found unto praise and honor and glory when He appears (1Peter 1:7)

2.  I am being conformed to His image - to behave as He behaves and fellowship in all that He has endured - not in and of myself but as I have surrendered to Him daily and allowed Him to crucify my flesh - i can always be assured that it is Him THROUGH me and nothing of me, myself.

3.  He said I am a living stone, precious to Him

4.  He said i have offered up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)

5.  He said, "This is thankworthy when one of My own endures grief and suffering wrongfully."

6.  "This is even why you are called - because I (Jesus) suffered for you - and I am your example to follow in My steps"

7.  We are to be just like Him

8.  He said "LIVE"

9.  He proclaimed, "With everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you, Rhonda"

10.  He was talking to me about the drill hole in my leg.  Originally it was the size of a plastic syringe tube - now there is no hole - no sign of it.  He made it one is able to look upon it and see the torture site.  He said He a) allowed me to partake of His suffering even more than i have over the years; and b) He never left me.  NOTHING we endure at the hands of man can EVER separate us from His unfailing love.  He will enable us to go through ANYTHING and come out on the other side KNOWING that He did NOT and WILL NOT fail us.  I am STILL HIS - knowing His presence, His love - knowing i reside in the palm of His hand.  Instead of "Why did You let me go through this, Lord?" it becomes "Lord look how you SAVED ME through this!"

A preacher said recently "it's MEANT to be hard; don't waste your trials.  The more you struggle and suffer, the more God thinks of you  - counts you - as righteous.  Trials are the opportunity to open the eyes of our hearts.

11.  He gave me Ephesians 3:13 "Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory."  He added, "Be bold, without fear!"
I became infused with His love for me.  He added Ephesians 3:19 "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God."

And then He began to talk to me about "30". (NOTE: This is my 30th year of walking with Jesus).

30 years = 3x10 - denotes in a higher degree the perfection of divine order, as in marking the right moment in God's Divine plan.
  Pastor Parsley said just this past Sunday that 30 is the number of maturity.  Beyond that, Jesus began His ministry at 30; Joseph (type of Christ) began his ministry (stood before pharaoh) at age 30; David (also a type of Christ) began to reign at age 30.  All three were betrayed either before or after they started their ministries.  30 ties in with redemption; the Levites entered into their service at age 30; Jesus was baptized at 30; 30 also has ties to: the house of God; also the redeemed army.

Finally there was one more promise - but i am holding it close to my heart so the enemy cannot steal it.

I pray this is a blessing to you - to encourage you that NO MATTER WHAT - HE IS WITH YOU - and, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

In His Unfailing Love,
His messenger, Rhonda


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